
The Roaring 20s

Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards (OAREB) is founded with a vision to organize real estate activities province-wide and to bring higher standards to the profession.

OAREB is incorporated on December 7, 1922. As the 1920s progress, the first annual meeting is held with the president of the U.S-based National Association of Real Estate Boards as a special guest.

Close attention is focused on unfair tax load being applied to real estate because of non-resident hospital charges, municipal charges for provincial highways, welfare expenses and
property exemptions.

On December 7, 1922, the Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards (OAREB) holds its first Board of Directors meeting.

A neighbourhood in 1922.

Sixty-eight Members attend a three-day convention in Toronto.

Agenda includes dinner at the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, a visit to the Rosedale Golf Club, and a boat ride to view the carnival at the Canadian National Exhibition.